
Save the date and save the time for the backyard event.

The Countdown To The Book Signing Event Has Started

A gift basket with a cat in it.

A Clue

Maybe a clue to a future story????? This is my...
A little girl holding up a book in front of a couch.

Night time story book

Holding The Backyard story book. I am happy to share...
Two women standing next to each other holding a book.

Visiting West Oxford Elementary School

Faye Peacock Wilson and Jacqueline Sneed Reading The Backyard to...
Two women standing in front of a bookshelf holding a book.

School Visit at Meadow Elementary

I donated my children's book The Backyard to Meadow School...
Fye patrick wilson releases first children's book.

The Oxford Public Ledger

The Oxford Public Ledger announcing my children's book The Backyard...
Two women sitting at a table in a living room.

Thank you to Ms. Jean

Thank you to Ms. Jean a friend and helpful volunteer...
Two women taking a selfie in a library.

Tar River Elementary School

Ms. Gill media specialist and me at Tar River Elementary...
Two women smiling for the camera at a conference.

Riverwood Middle School Black History Program

Gracie Chamblee organizer at Community Heroes Black History Program at...
A girl sitting on the floor next to a stuffed animal.

Hallie’s Loves The Backyard Book

Thank you to Hallie's parents for sharing a picture of...